Friday, May 27, 2011

Meet Your Train's Conductor

Meet the conductor of the Cardinal line from Baltimore to Chicago. Franklin loves trains. He’s been working for Amtrak since the company started, way back in the 70s. He expects to be riding the rails until the day he dies. What he loves most about working as a train conductor is meeting people. Each train ride fills the cars with new soul; every individual he meets has a story to tell. He could write a book about it.

Friend Franklin, the conductor, at Facebook. He’d love to get to know you. You can send him a friend request (which he’ll happily accept) at the link below.

His favorite place to meet people is in the train’s lounge car. Why not join the conductor in the online lounge car: the official fan page of Tracks, a novel in stories? You can “like” the lounge at the link below.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend.

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