Friday, September 23, 2011

Baltimore Book Fest Underway Now

Rain or shine, lit-lovers are in for a festive weekend. What many people in the local literary community refer to as our “literary new year” is here: The Baltimore Book Festival.

The book fest began today and is already underway. It runs through Sunday and offers a little bit of lit for everyone. The event is free and fun!

As a part of the festival, the “Lit & Art at the Watermark” series will bring fiction, poetry, non-fiction, live music and original artwork to the Baltimore Free School Lit and Language Tent on Saturday, September 24 from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Featured readers include
Katherine Cottle, Barbara Morrison, Liz Mozer, Holly Myers, Rick O’Connor, Fernando Quijano III, Nitin Jagdish, and Sally Whitney. The Lit and Art house band Red Tractor Factory and Manzar will provide music. There’s even an open mic session, so bring five minutes of your own work to share, and be prepared for a short sample from Tracks.

Chime in on the event’s Facebook page here:

Then, on Sunday at 3 p.m. join me, Susi Wyss (The Civilized World) and Dave Rosenthal (The Baltimore Sun) as we discuss the novel in stories as a format, and read from our own debut novels in stories. As the festival’s website puts it, “Books by two Baltimore writers have recently been published that are described as "a novel in stories": Eric D. Goodman's Tracks and Susi Wyss's The Civilized World. Join Eric and Susi for a reading and discussion about the form, which seems to be back in vogue.”

Chime in at the event’s Facebook page here:

These events, and the Baltimore Book Fest as a whole, have gotten lots of ink in The Baltimore Sun, City Paper, and in the media. Here are a couple of recent shout outs.

CBS Baltimore:

CityLit Project:

Note that Tracks, my novel in stories, will be on sale throughout the weekend at Cyclops Books, next to the CityLit Stage. Catch me at one of my events and I’ll be happy to sign your copy. And look—my very own Baltimore Book Fest author’s page!

Learn more about the Baltimore Book Festival and all it has to offer at the festival’s official website at

Or, just stop by!

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