Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Listening to TRACKS on NPR is a Good Plan

If you missed the broadcast, author Eric D. Goodman's NPR reading of “Prewitt’s Plans” on The Signal is available as an online podcast.

The Signal airs on Baltimore’s NPR station, WYPR, every Friday at noon and again at 7 p.m. Tune into 88.1 FM for a tour of Baltimore’s cultural landscape. You can also catch it online at or

In “Prewitt’s Plans,” the main character watches the scenery pass by from his train window as he contemplates how life has passed by too quickly, considers his future plans, and gets to the heart of whether he is the master of his planner or the other way around. “Prewitt’s Plans was published in the most recent issue of Scribble Magazine.

Prewitt’s Plans” is a story from TRACKS, a novel in stories.

Listen to “Prewitt’s Plans” on The Signal at the link below. The entire program is well worth listening to. If you’d like to rush ahead to my reading, it’s about 32 minutes into the broadcast.

Enjoy the program. It may even encourage you to cast aside all other plans!

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Wednesday, February 03, 2010


This Friday will see the first radio reading from TRACKS of 2010. Author Eric D. Goodman will read his story “Prewitt’s Plans” on NPR’s The Signal.

The Signal airs on Baltimore’s NPR station, WYPR, every Friday at noon and again at 7 p.m. Tune into 88.1 FM for a tour of Baltimore’s cultural landscape.

In “Prewitt’s Plans,” the main character watches the scenery pass by from his train window as he contemplates how life has passed by too quickly, considers his future plans, and gets to the heart of whether he is the master of his planner or the other way around.

“Prewitt’s Plans was published in the most recent issue of Scribble Magazine.

Tune in to The Signal this Friday at noon or 7 p.m. at 88.1 FM. Or listen to the podcast of the program at

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