Wednesday, August 02, 2006


I'm currently at work polishing Tracks, a novel in stories. Tracks takes place on a train traveling from Baltimore to Chicago. Each story is told from the perspective of a passenger on the train.

While the stories stand alone, they become stronger when linked together. A secondary character in one story becomes the main character in another. My intent is to look at the decisions each character faces and how those decisions, as well as each character's interactions with the other passengers, alter the path ahead and cast past experiences and choices in a new light.

While entirely unique, Tracks is similar in nature to Joan Silber's National Book Award-nominated Ideas of Heaven: a ring of stories.

I've garnered promising feedback from a professional workshop and alpha readers. I expect to have Tracks to ready to submit to literary agents and publishers in fall of 2006.

Thank you for your interest! And please come back for more news along the tracks.

TRACKS Excerpt in Anthology

A short story from Tracks, my novel in stories, will be published in an upcoming anthology. Baltimore's City Lit Project and Creative Alliance have teamed up with a local university press to publish an anthology of local writers. The book is set for publication in Spring of 2007. This is the second story from Tracks to be published.

First Public Reading from TRACKS

I've been invited to read from Tracks, my novel in stories, at this year's Baltimore Book Festival. The Baltimore Book Festival is the mid-Atlantic's premier celebration of the literary arts. I'll be reading at the City Lit Project's "Next Big Thing" tent on Sunday, October 1.

Earlier this year, I read a condensed version of my short story, "Cicadas" at Baltimore's Patterson Theater in a reading event hosted by the City Lit Project and the Creative Alliance.

First Excerpt Published

Recently, one of the stories from Tracks, my novel in stories, was accepted for publication. "Freedom" is being serialized in 12 monthly installments in Coloquio, an online newsletter that boasts more than 800,000 unique visitors a year. The newsletter registers more than seven million hits annually. That's quite a bit of advanced exposure for this novel in stories.

I'm still putting the finishing touches on Tracks and expect to have it completed in Fall of 2006.

Visit the first installment of "Freedom" in Coloquio:

About the Author

Eric D. Goodman is a full-time writer and editor. His work has been published or is forthcoming in The Washington Post, The Baltimore Review, On Stage Magazine, Travel Insights, Coloquio, To Be Read Aloud, Neck of My Guitar, Write and Publish Your Book, Writers Weekly, Write Here Write Now, and The Federal Voice. He recently received an honorable mention in The Baltimore Review's annual fiction competition.

Visit Writeful, Eric's weblog for writers and readers:

Learn more about Eric at his home: